Ionic detox foot bath creates an ionization osmosis environment running negative ions through your body pulling & attracting the positively charged impurities and heavy metals out through the feet in to the saline charged solution in the bath. The energized ionized water runs through your body bringing the body’s chi & meridians back in to balance where one might feel energized & relaxed. Impurities are pulled from the body, improving the body’s natural resilience.
There is a noticeable change in the water color during the session where you are actually seeing cellular waste & oxidation present in the water. The energy fields are stronger, strengthening the body’s immune system. You will feel revitalized, lighter feeling, balanced, clarity, healthy & ready to enjoy life!
AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ: Les appareils que nous utilisons ne sont pas des appareils médicaux. Ils ne servent pas à faire un examen de l’état physique des organes ou des tissus du corps humain. Ils ne sont pas des aides au diagnostic au sens traditionnel du terme. Ils ne servent pas non plus à traiter telle ou telle condition physique. Ce sont des instruments de détoxification du corps et de biofeedback qui sert à mesurer la répartition de l’énergie électromagnétique dans le corps. Si vous pensez que votre santé physique n’est pas optimale, nous vous conseillons de prendre un avis médical ou de suivre les conseils de votre spécialiste de la santé. Cordialement l’équipe de Mackandal Naturotherapie.
DISCLAIMER: Any device we are using is not a medical device. They do not scan or analyze the human body in order to help a doctor make a diagnostic about its organs or its tissues. Neither do any device treat any specific condition in the physical body. In case you feel your physical health is not optimal, please seek medical advice or refer to your health specialist. Cordially Mackandal Naturotherapy
DISCLAIMER: Any device we are using is not a medical device. They do not scan or analyze the human body in order to help a doctor make a diagnostic about its organs or its tissues. Neither do any device treat any specific condition in the physical body. In case you feel your physical health is not optimal, please seek medical advice or refer to your health specialist. Cordially Mackandal Naturotherapy